Highly Nonlinear Approximations for Sparse Signal Representation
Encrypted Image Folding Software - EIFS (news: now extended to SCEIFS)
This software was developed by James Bowley to provide a MATLAB implementation of the Encrypted Image Folding (EIF) method proposed in the paper
by James Bowley and Laura Rebollo-Neira.
All the source files for the routines are available in a zip archive (EIFS.zip), which contains a manual describing the main routines used, this manual can also be downloaded seperatley (EIFS_Manual.pdf).
Additionaly an example in html is located here.
To install the EIFS software:
- Download and extract the file EIFS.zip. This should give you a top directory EIFS
and 7 sub directories listed below:
- Approximation_Routines - required for approximating and folding the images.
- Common_Routines - required for both folding and unfolding.
- Example - contains an example showing how to use the EIF software.
- Expanding_Routines - required for expanding folded images.
- Folding_Routines - required for folding the image.
- Images - location of test images.
- Mex_Files - source code for the mex implementation of OMP2D.
- Add the directory EIFS and all subdirectories to your MATLAB path.
- Optional: To decrease the execution time when using the RDCTDB dictionary you
can use the RDCTDBMex method which uses a C++ implementation of OMP2D. To do this
- i) compile the OMP2D.cpp file,
- ii) copy it to the Approximation_Routines subdirectory.
Note 2: MATLAB has to be configured to compile mex files, please refer to the MATLAB documentation for details of how to do this.